Hack4Cause is one of the prime events that is hosted by IEEE SSIT, where programmers, students and sometimes even professors get together for a short period of time to put their heads to create a project on one of the many domains this we provide to come on top this grand hackathon where over 1200 people come from all around to take away the crown of being the best. The participants work rapidly in a non-stop session; often working just on the power of caffeine without sleep or rest to achieve their task in the time frame of the 24 hours+ event.
This event implemented the real-life vision of technology of the budding young engineers with the ability to give it a design and to give it a platform and the support that is necessary. This event supported by the animation department of VIT making this event an expert guided competition. The event included judges from the animation school of VIT and incorporated 2 rounds over the course of one day to select people. The first round which was adjudicated by the judges and shortlisted people to run the next level of imagination on the concepts of retrofuturism. In the end the event concluded by a heated competition in design and imagination.
An treasure hunting and problem solving event that tests your coding skills with rounds of figuring out clues and solving puzzles. Then to take things to the next level, it had another round, a race of scores where the competitors competed in an HACKERANK to be this first to climb the leader board.
A multi-domain event which brought together the imagination to create of science and the creativity of art. Where we raised the question, “what is the future of A.I?” and the participants create an utopia with the power of their imagination in the way they deemed adequate, in the form of a write up, a poetry or a poster.
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